Accounting for Income Tax

[Dr]Income Tax Expense - current	##,###
		[Cr]Income Tax Payable		##,###

[Dr]Income Tax Refund Receivable ##,### [Cr]Benefits of Loss Carryback ##,###
[Dr]Deffered Tax Assets ##,### [Cr]Benefits of Loss Carryfoward ##,###
[Dr]Income Tax Expense - current ##,### [Dr]Income Tax Expense - deffered ##,### [Cr]Income Tax Payable ##,### [Cr]Deferred Tax Assets ##,###

  • Reconciliation of Pretax Financial Income & Taxable Income

    Pretax financial income$##,###
    Excess of taxable revenues over revenues per books+##,###
    Excess of deductable amounts over expenses per books-##,###
    Excess of revenues per books over taxable revenues-##,###
    Excess of expenses per book over deductable amounts+##,###
    Taxable Income$##,###

  • SFAS 109 Overview
  • Temporary Differences

    		[Dr]Income Tax Expense-current	##,###
    		[Dr]Income Tax Expense-deferred	##,###
    				[Cr]Income Taxes Payable	##,###
    				[Cr]Deffered Tax Liability	##,###
    [Dr]Income Tax Expense-current ##,### [Dr]Income Tax Expense-deferred ##,### [Dr]Deffered Tax Asset ##,### [Cr]Income Taxes Payable ##,### [Cr]Deffered Tax Liabilitiy ##,###
    [Dr]Income Tax Expense-current ##,### [Dr]Income Tax Expense-deferred ##,### [Dr]Deffered Tax Liability ##,### [Cr]Income Taxes Payable ##,### [Cr]Deffered Tax Asset ##,###

  • Permanent Differences
    Gross SalesIncome NowIncome Now*
    Installment SalesIncome NowIncome when recorded*
    Dividends[Equity Method]Income-Sub Earnings*
    100/80/70 % deductionNot ExclusionExcluded Forever*
    Rents in AdvanceIncome when earnedIncome when received*
    State & Municipal Bonds interestIncomeNever Income*
    Life Insurance ProceedsIncomeNever Income*
    Gain/Loss on TSNot ReportedNot Reported*
    Officers CompensationExpense$1,000,000 Limit*
    Bad DebtAllowanceDirect Write Off*
    Interest Expense[Business Loan]ExpenseExpense*
    Interest Expense[Tax Free Investment]ExpenseNot Deductable*
    Interest Income[Taxable Investment]ExpenseUp to Taxable Income*
    ContributionsAll ExpensedLimit to 10 % of Inc.*
    Loss on Abandonment/CasualtyExpenseExpense*
    Loss on Worthless subsidaryExpenseExpense*
    Depreciation[MARCS vs SL]Slow DepreciationFast Depreciation*
    Depreciation[Bonus Depreciation(179)]Not AllowedVaries.$20,000(2000)*
    Diff. Basis of AssetsGAAP BasisIRC Basis*
    Amortization[Goodwill/Franchise]SL =< 40 Yrs.SL 15 Yrs.*
    DepletionSL(Cost over Yrs.)% of Sales*
    Depletion[% in excess of Cost]Not Allowed% of Sales*
    Life Insur.Exp. Corp. getsExpenseNot Deductable*
    Profit & Pension Exp.AccruedNo deduction Until Paid*
    Special Items
    Net Capital LossReport as LossNot Deductable*
    Net Capital Loss[Carryover]Not Allowed3 Yrs. & 5 Yrs.*
    Net Capital Loss[Shareholder Dealing]Report as LossNot Deductable*
    PenaltiesExpenseNot Deductable*
    Est.Liab.Contingency/WarrantyAccruedNot Deducttion Until Paid*
    Federal Income TaxesExpenseNot Deductable*
    Bond Sinking Trust FundExp./Loss/GainExp./Loss/Gain***
    Lobbying/PoliticalExpenseNot Deductable*
  • Computation of Defferred Tax Liabilities
  • Tax Rates Used
  • Defferred Tax Expense
  • Valuation Allowance

    		[Dr]Deffered Tax Asset		##,###
    				[Cr]Benefits of Loss Carryfoward ##,###
    				[Cr]Income Tax Expense-deffered	 ##,###
    [Dr]Benefits of Loss Carryfoward ##,### [Dr]Income Tax Expense-deffered ##,### [Cr]Allowance to Reduce Deffered Tax Asset to Realizable Value ##,###
    [Dr]Income Tax Expense-current ##,### [Dr]Income Tax Expense-deffered ##,### [Dr]Allowance to RDTARV ##,### [Cr]Income Tax Payable ##,### [Cr]Deffered Tax Asset ##,### [Cr]Benefits of Loss Carryfoward##,###

  • Enacted Change in Tax Law or Rates
  • Balance Sheet Presentation
  • Income Statement Presentation
  • Common Stock Investment
